Customized Soft Skill Trainings & Other Services
Tell us your needs and we will create a tailored program or presentation.
Soft skills workshops addressing the following themes are available:
The power of your thoughts
The importance of our thoughts and the impact on us physically and emotionally
The impact of epigenetics
Fostering brain health
Managing your sphere of control
Overcoming automatic negative thoughts
Gaining control over our emotions
Choosing our thoughts
Giving an 'A' - our choices and the art of possibilities
Identifying attitude anchors and utilizing them
The power of your words
Demonstrating tact
Utilizing diplomacy
Recognizing personality styles and adjusting communication accordingly
Identifying how effective is our communication - interpretation and meaning of words and tuning up our communication
Navigating conflict or difficult conversations
The power of your actions
Practicing humility
Demonstrating empathy
Developing negotiation skills
Recognizing differences in body language and common pitfalls
Creating situational awareness and being mindful of selective attention
Overcoming our barriers to effective collaboration
Other services available:
Leadership training - one-on-one coaching
One-on-one coaching
Speaker for conferences, symposiums, staff meetings
Emcee for conferences and symposium
Team building
Examples of Previous Offerings
"Partners in Excellence"
Louisiana Organ Procurement Agency, LA - 2018
Agenda included topics such as:
The power of our thoughts
ANTs & their ANT-Eaters
Giving an 'A'
Managing our defenses
Adjusting communication to different personality types
"The Power of You"
Nevada Donor Network, NV - 2018
Agenda included topics such as:
Our sphere of control
Utilizing tact and diplomacy
Recognizing barriers to effective collaboration
Fine tuning our communication
"It Starts with Us"
Lifegift, TX - 2018
Agenda included topics to address:
Managing our sphere of control
Recognizing the impact of epigenetics and the power of our thoughts
Giving an 'A'
Utilizing tact and diplomacy
Team-Building Day"Ain't No Stoppin Us Now"
Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency, MS - 2018, 2019
Agenda included topics to address:
Finding commonalities
Bridging an understanding of roles & responsibilities
Team vision
Expectation exchange
Departmental commitments
Donation Symposium Master of Ceremonies
Intermountain Donor Services, UT - 2017
DonorConnect, UT - 2019
Supported symposium planning calls
Co-moderated the day of the symposium
Symposium Presentation
LifeSource, MN - 2017
Presentation at donation symposium on the topic of "Reflective Practice"
LifeSource, MN - 2019
Presentation at donation symposium on the topic of "Bridging Cultural Communication"